Friday, February 12, 2016

As concern grows over terrorists on social media, Senate bill calls for national strategy

             In recent years, we have seen an increase in terrorism crimes, committed in the United States. Terrorist groups have been increasing and threaten the United States and other countries. Many terrorist groups have been using social media to recruit new members. Jerry Markon wrote an article from The Washington Post, Markon writes about the U.S. Senate committee proposing a new bill on combatting the terrorists’ use of social media. In December, the House passed a bill similar to the one being proposed, after a married couple shot and killed 14 people at a holiday party in San Bernardino, California. This attack was possible because terrorist groups use social media to recruit. The anti-terror investigators weren't able to prevent this attack from happing. Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik were the persons involved in the shooting in San Bernardino, California. They were sending private messages about their commitment the jihad and martyrdom. In Tashfeen Malik's Facebook, she posted about her pledge her allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State terrorist group. The San Bernardino Shooting and at least 60 people have been charged with a terrorism-related crime; this has made the government aware of the problem with terrorist using social media. Markon mentions how The Department of Homeland Security, the State Department and the FBI all have different ideas on combating terrorist organizations online. President Obama wants to request military force against terrorist groups, but the Congress denied the request.

I believe this article is worth reading because it shows how the U.S. government hasn’t established a plan to combat against terrorist groups online. If they would have prevented attacks, it could have saved many lives. Unfortunately, the attacks happen and now we are aware there's a huge problem with social media. I personally don't feel safe knowing someone is plotting against the United States and could be living a few minutes away.   The FBI, Homeland Security, Congress and the President need to find a solution fast. Modern Technology is a tool terrorist group use to recruit, attracting new members to join their war. This article made me realize how we should take seriously what people post because we may think someone is posting random things but it could be a real threat. If the government doesn't step up and find a solution we have to help each other and prevent attacks.

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