Friday, February 26, 2016

Commentary: Examining America's strained relationship with immigration laws

            The election for a new United States President is occurring right now. One of the topic most debated in this election is Illegal Immigration. Presidential candidates have expressed different argument of illegal immigration. One presidential candidate proposes to deport all illegal immigrants. Another candidate said the problem with illegal immigration is “anchor babies” (child born to a non citizen mother in a country which has birthright citizenship). The big issues presidential candidates haven’t addressed are the current immigration laws not being enforce.

Michael Torres’s commentary in Los Angeles Times, he argues that there are many immigration laws in this country, but there’s no enforcement. Torres states that people break laws because there's lack of enforcement and creates uncertain. Also Torres mentions that if this country is ready to enforce the laws there would be consequences. One of the consequence would be if laws are enforce that would mean many families could be separated. Torres said "An immigrant's relationship with our country should not start with an illegal act. It's not good for the country, and its not good for the immigrant," what Torres is saying is immigrants shouldn't have a bad relationship with this country if everything is done correctly. Torres wants the presidential candidates to campaign a policy to enforce laws how they’re written. He suggests if laws aren’t enforce then change them and enforce those changes. Torres wants a presidential candidate to set up and fix the system or create an Immigration Reform.

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