Friday, April 15, 2016

Global Warming is Our Reality

                  We don’t see reality as how it is until you get a rude awaking and you realize the ugly reality. I recently went to Mexico City, it was my fourth time going; on my previous trips I didn’t get sick, but this last trip I did. It wasn’t the food that got me sick, but it was the air contamination. I was feeling really sick that I had to leave as soon as possible. When I landed in the United States, my symptoms went away. It turns out Officials in Mexico had advised people to limit outdoor activity because of the high ozone level, it was Mexico City’s first air pollution alert in 11 years. I always knew that Global Warming exists but I didn’t want to believe it until my experience in Mexico. Unfortunately, this is the future of the United States if there is no initial to stop Global Warming. In “Why destroy what keeps us alive?” by Beatriz Cordero,  she makes a valid point that money isn't used help fight Global Warming. If the United States doesn't do anything we are going to relive one of the most destructive events in the decade; Hurricane Katrina. On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, killing more than 200 people and causing $80 billion in damage. The Center for Ice and Climate researchers at the University of Copenhagen conducted a study on the changes in regional sea surface temperatures, they concluded that there's an increase chance to have Katrina-like events in the future. Many scientists said the primary cause of Global Warming is the rising emissions of greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide, ozone, and methane. I agree with miss Cordero about Companies who burn fossil fuels should provide winds and solar panels. Olga Mugisa, 11-years-old from Uganda proposed if you cut one tree, plant two.  By doing this it helps stop climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the air. If the United States government regulated companies and made sure the companies would be liable if they don't provide benefits for the environment and citizens. I hope the U.S. government wakes up to the reality that Global Warming is causing many destructions and soon it can get rid of our existences.


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